Basics: Use the WASD keys to  move around. Holding E key allows you to interact with tools. The Q key allows you to pick up and drop items.

Detail: To start playing, simply click the ‘Play’ button on the title screen. At the beginning of the level, you will be told your objectives. It will show what orders you must fulfill on that day to satisfy your customers and keep your business alive.

Once the day has started, you can move around using the W, A, S, and D keys. If you press Q while near an item, you can pick it up, or if you are currently holding an item, pressing Q would make you place it down. To initially get an item, press Q in front of a portal that dispenses that item. To put an item inside a container, you need to press Q while holding an item near that container. To use a tool, you need to press E to interact with it. Some items like the mortar and pestle can be both tools and containers, you you’ll have to put items in them and interact with them. 

Some recipes have been lost to time, so you will have to figure them out. After you make a potion, you must ship it at the shipping table, where it will be teleported away to your customers. To ship a potion, it must be inside a box, which can be found at box dispensers next to shipping tables.

You must complete every order before the day ends to continue the game. 

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